Friday, 24 July 2009

my school - the wall

nearly two months later...

Degree show over, student work marked and verified.

School photo project finished. Wall printed onto vinyl banner material and went up on sports day. Looks great and feedback has been wonderful.

SATs results fantastic. Well done Sam!

Inductions days went well at Weydon but Sam is not is a class with most of his friends. Seems that they didn't ask to be with him!

Leavers stuff seemed to go on for about two weeks. School finished two days ago with copious tears shed by the girls whilst private tears shed by my boy - not because he is leaving - because he has been excluded from various events. My heart is breaking for him. Why has this happened to him so regularly? Is it just because he doesn't play sport? Are the other kids jealous of him? It does seem that there may have been some malicious back stabbing going on. It's hard to believe that kids this young can be so cruel. Only two of the nine or ten people that came to his party in December have invited him back to theirs. Don't the parents tell them that it is polite to return invitations?

Hopefully the big big big school (that seems so scarily big!) will provide a larger pool of potential pals and he'll meet some people with more mature ideas about friendship!