Tuesday, 10 June 2008

macbook pro

At last I've got my hands on a Mac!! When I started working at UCCA back in 1999 I was shocked to find out that all the studios had PCs but over the years I have grown to like them and we have a couple of Sony Viaos at home. Shock! horror! They decided to change back to Macs the year before last and I have been teaching PhotoShop, Final Cut Pro and so on without really getting to grips with the Mac OS. This can be incredibly undermining when you are being projected at the front of the class. After repeated requests for a Mac to take home to learn on, I have eventually picked one up today and I'm sitting here making this post on it!!! Very excited just to do everyday tasks on it, but also hope to get to use it for my 'high gabble' project that I started yesterday... that's another story.

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