Tuesday, 24 February 2009

half term break - for school anyway!

As usual I had to work during half term but did manage to get a few days of fun with the kids. On Wednesday I took A to see The Sound Of Music, Thursday we had a lazy day and Friday we went for a walk with friends in the forest in the lovely sunshine. I found out that Monday 23rd was an inset day - shock horror! Great to have such good friends that helped out with the children as again, I had to work.

Saturday was a gardening day. We dug the vegetable patch and started to plan what we will grow this year. Tried to get the kids interested in it but with no luck. So much for family fun with the Farnham Food Initiative... I would love to join but only if the whole family was up for it. Can't seem to persuade them in the pleasures of growing our own... if it was cocoa beans to make chocolate - that would be another matter!

On Sunday we went to London - skateboarding on Portabello Rd, farmers' market at Salusbury School, Queens Park and Camden Market. A has a t-shirt from cyperpunk shop - Dog Save The Queen.

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