Thursday, 12 February 2009

last session with Y6

We set up bit of the production line at school yesterday to get the remaining 22 children to edit their digital images, select and make a print. Again, some of them needed some gentle guidance to select an image that was actually 'technically correct'  ie. IB who insisted she wanted to print a rather badly composed and over exposed picture of her pencil case!! 

We couldn't access the network on the computer that was connected to the printer so had to transfer images on memory sticks and trot back and forth between the Y6 classroom and the ICT suite. As usual the computers were chugging away so slowly... it was 4.30 before the final print was complete. 

Finally we laid all the prints out as 3 x 4 grids (12 images in each) on tables and we began to get an idea of how the final image wall will look. How exciting!! The children have made such a wonderfully diverse and interesting range of work. Whilst some images are immediately obvious, others tease the viewer to guess what they could be, some play with form, reflections, texture, patterns and others add vibrant colour to the piece. The separate parts come together to form a fascinating view of the school. Some images are sadly missing - such as glimpses of the burgundy and yellow of the school uniform. There were some lovely photos that didn't make it to print. I will keep these as backup for the time being as they may have a part to play in the final presentation or the digital presentation. Let's wait and see.

I had a chat with Mr C. about the presentation and it was his very good suggestion that the image wall should be formed of a number of smaller grids to make it more transportable and malleable in terms of hanging in different locations. He also pointed out an outside wall where he would like some artwork so I am going to look into ways of 'weatherproofing' the work. We also talked about the option of updating the grid and carrying out biannual photo projects on other themes. 

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